Please answer each question as thoroughly as possible.

Please answer each question as thoroughly as possible..

I’m trying to learn for my Management class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Make sure to number each answer – Write “1” for your Q 1 answer, and “2” for your Q2 answer. Within each question, there are sub-questions A, B and it would be very helpful if you also have separate small paragraphs for each of these sub-answers (follow the same format in your answers as the questions are written). The more clearly you answer each part of each question, the easier it will be for our class GA to read and score your answers, which are based on both quality of your content and quality of your writing skills.


1. Please read in your textbook, pg 447, Case 6, “IN-N-OUT BURGER – Building them Better.”

A. Please describe what you think are the most successful aspects of In-N-Out Burgers current strategy? If you go to In-N-Out Burger, feel free to share an example of you perceive the strategies working from a patron’s perspective.

B. In a era where dining has become more focused on food varieties, interesting dining atmosphere, more emphasis on a unique dining experience – do you think In-N-Out Burger’s current strategies will enable it to be successful in 5 years or more ? Why or Why Not? If you don’t think it will be as successful in 5 years or more, then identify 1-2 suggestions on its strategy that will keep the chain going strong.

2. On page 237, CH 10 in your textbook, please complete and score the Self-assessment, “Intuitive Ability.” In our increasingly complex, ever-changing world, developing our intuition when processing information and making decisions is becoming an essential factor in a long and productive career.

A. What did you learn about yourself from this assessment – what are your strengths and areas to improve?

B. What can you further develop to increase your overall intuitive ability as your career progresses?

Please answer each question as thoroughly as possible.

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