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main que:Please explain BYOD

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sach-The full form of BYOD is Bring Your Own Device. This is one of the plans where the companies enable their workers or employees to bring their own gadget or device and connect with the company’s network. Stewart (2017) states “Bring Your Own Device will increase, as will the need to secure a growing number of mobile endpoints and different operating systems and applications”. BYOD makes worker’s life much simpler in light of the fact that it acquires the portability the work by lessening time and exertion. In any case, there is a trick to it-and that is Security. Companies, having spent a few a large number of dollars on the Network Security such as Firewall or VPNs are fundamentally trading off the system security by enabling the outside devices to the association organize. The genuine intense part is that the employees may present risk accidentally by bringing their very own device. Permitting individual devices, which may be contaminated with some sort of malware all alone can infiltrate into the company’s system and bring the risk.

There isn’t really a definite answer to whether BYOD is beneficial for the organization or not. ICACTM (2019) states “During the last decade it has become very common in the organizations for employees to have dual-use and dual purpose, twin use as devices used both at home and at work as per convenience and dual purposes are professional and private purposes”. On one hand, the organization can bring much more mobility and simplicity to the life of its employees. On the other hand however, different kind of devices might be connected with the organization’s network and the devices might be infected with some kind of viruses or malware and it can easily penetrate into the network of the organization. If that malware is harmful to the network, it defeats the whole purpose of having the firewall or VPN in the network. Bring your own device also poses threat to the privacy of the network because the employees can have legit access to the network with their personal devices and it is very hard to predict the intention of the people working for the organization. Those organizations, who hire contract or seasonal workers is going to have hard time determining whether the contingent worker should have access to the network or not.

asmi-BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device. This is one of the arrangements where the organizations allow their employees to bring their own device and connect to the organization’s network. Bring Your Own Device makes employees’ life a lot easier because it brings the mobility in the work by reducing time and effort. Stewart (2017) states “Bring Your Own Device will increase, as will the need to secure a growing number of mobile endpoints and different operating systems and applications”. However, there is a catch to it- and that’s security. Organizations, having spent several thousands of dollars, if not millions, on the security apparatus- are basically compromising the network security by allowing the external devices to the organization network. The real tough part is that the employees might pose threat unintentionally by bringing their own device. Allowing personal devices, which might be infected with some kind of malware on its own can penetrate into the organization’s network and bring the threat.

There are both sides of argument to whether BYOD is necessary for organization or not. With the increase in applications and even the operating system type, some organizations have no choice but to allow the BYOD. Ratchford & Wang (2019) states “As the use of personal mobile devices accessing corporate data continues to grow, a phenomenon known as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), organizations realize that allowing this type of access reduces cost and increases productivity”. However, BYOD hasn’t really been a standard practice in every organization. Organizations would rather allow their employees to use the company provided device for personal use with some restriction, instead of allowing them to bring their own device and connect to the network. This is because the latter part is more risky and can pose more threat to the organization. BYOD brings much more efficiency to the workplace and it can also save a lot of money to the organization. Companies need not worry about providing extra device such as tablets to the employees due to the BYOD policy. Likewise, the companies can rather invest in strengthening their security apparatus rather than worrying about what could go wrong due to the BYOD policy.

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