Portfolio Introduction and Artifacts

Portfolio Introduction and Artifacts.

I’m studying and need help with a Writing question to help me learn.

1. Portfolio Introduction (Around 500 words)

The portfolio introduction makes a convincing argument about your performance in the class and analyzes all of the work you have included in the portfolio. It should be written thoughtfully and honestly, and should provide your analysis of the advancement of your writing through the coursework. You should include the rationale behind choices you’ve made, an analysis of how your responses to the course texts informed your own work and ideas, and an explanation of how the course assignments prepared you for life and work beyond this course. The introduction will vary in length based on your personal experience in the course.

Do not fall into the trap of summarizing the coursework; rather, use your work as strong evidence to support specific claims about your skill level. Remember that your primary goal is to demonstrate a level of competence in (or mastery of) the course skills, not merely progress or improvement.

2. Artifacts (Around 500 words)

You will also include artifacts of your own choosing that indicate what are the important elements to your writing process. Instead of including all of your work, curate your artifact selection to include and highlight key moments that you plan to reference in your portfolio introduction (or to annotate in the artifacts section) to indicate your skill mastery, changes in habit leading to mastery, and other pivotal moments in your journey this quarter.

Portfolio Introduction and Artifacts

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