Prepare a 2-3 page essay in which you address the following statements and questions.

Prepare a 2-3 page essay in which you address the following statements and questions..

I need help with a Anatomy question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

1. Describe the path of the camera/pill swallowed by Michael Mosley in the video above in order from the mouth to the anus. Include each major structure/organ of the digestive system encountered along the way. Your essay should include a description of organ function for the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, and accessory organs (liver, pancreas, gallbladder.) Be sure to discuss mechanical and chemical modes of digestion.

2. The video discusses the importance of movement in the breakdown and absorption of food. Discuss specific examples that illustrate how the muscular and digestive systems work together (provide 3-4) detailed examples.)

3. Research the nutrition information for one meal from your favorite fast food restaurant. Discuss how the food would be processed by the digestive system. Define the term highly processed food and discuss why they are considered unhealthy.

In the following video you will watch Michael Mosley ingest a pill that houses a camera that will transmit photos and videos as it travels from the beginning of his body’s digestive system to the end. He also visits a radiology clinic where doctors have come up with a technology that allows patients to see the unconscious movements of their guts through a radioactive scan.

Prepare a 2-3 page essay in which you address the following statements and questions.

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