Produce requested Graphs using given Data set

Produce requested Graphs using given Data set.

I’m stuck on a Statistics question and need an explanation.


Use your tool of choice (RStudio, Excel, Python) to generate a word document with simple graphs of the following data set in the week 3 content folder. Review the “Selecting a Graph” slides to learn the data types requirements for each graph type. Cut and paste each graph in to a MS Word document.

Graphs to Produce:

Pie Chart:

  • Create a pie chart of the computer ram
  • Label the ram sizes as follows: 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 24GB, 32GB
  • Title the pie chart as “Computer Ram”
  • Color the pie chart using the rainbow option

Bar Plot:

  • Create a barplot of the computer screen sizes
  • Label the x axis as “Screen Sizes”
  • Label the y axis as “Frequency”
  • Title the barplot as “Computer Screen Sizes”
  • Color the bars in the barplot any color you wish.


  • Create a histogram of the computer prices
  • Label the x axis as “Prices”
  • Title the histogram as “Computer Prices”
  • Give the histogram any color you wish.

Box Plot:

  • Create a boxplot of the comparing the computer price and premium category
  • Label the y axis as “Price”
  • Label the x axis as “Premium”
  • Title the boxplot as “Premium Computer Prices Distribution”
  • Color the boxplot any color you wish.

Scatter Plot:

  • Create a scatter plot of computer price and hard drive size
  • Label the x axis as “Hard Drive Size”
  • Label the y axis as “Price”
  • Title the scatter plot as “Computer Price vs Hard Drive Size”
  • Color the scatter any color you wish.

Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Student’s name, University’s name, Course name, Course number, Professor’s name, and Date.

Submit your assignment on or before the due date.

Produce requested Graphs using given Data set

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