Python Course

Python Course.

I don’t know how to handle this Python question and need guidance.

1. Selective Copy:

  • Write a program that walks through a folder tree and searches for files with a certain file extension (such as .pdf or .jpg).
  • Copy these files from whatever location they are in to a new folder.

2. Custom Invitations as Word Documents: You have a text file of guest names. This guests.txt (Links to an external site.) file has one name per line.

  • Write a program that would generate a Word document with custom invitations that look like the following:
  • For example:

It would be a pleasure to have the company of

Prof. Plum

at 11010 Memory Lane on the Evening of

April 1st

at 7 o’clock

  • There should be one invitation per page in the resulting Word document, so call add_break() to add a page break after the last paragraph of each invitation.
    • This way, you will need to open only one Word document to print all of the invitations at once

3. Backing up a folder into a ZIP file:

  • Say you’re working on a project whose files you keep in a folder named C:PythonCode.
  • Write a program that creates the ZIP file

Python Course

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