Qualitative Data Checklist

Qualitative Data Checklist.

I need support with this Writing question so I can learn better.

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Review the handout entitled “Chapter 4: Trustworthiness of the Data.”
  2. Create a one-page checklist to be used to evaluate the data to be collected from your selected method.
  3. Divide the checklist into the four criteria used to evaluate data trustworthiness from the handout.
  4. Under each of the four criteria, itemize at least three checks for data quality you will use to assess the final data set after data collection has closed.

Length: 1 page

References: Cite a minimum of 2 scholarly resources used to design the checklist

Your checklist should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Qualitative Data Checklist

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