Read the article in the link below to answer the questions APA fromat 300+ words

Read the article in the link below to answer the questions APA fromat 300+ words.

I’m working on a Nursing question and need guidance to help me study.

Read Barriers to Serving the Vulnerable (Links to an external site.).

This article brings up many points regarding public assistance for vulnerable populations. Often in healthcare we are faced with the challenge of too few resources to meet the growing demands within these populations. These resources then need to be allocated accordingly, and we have just read about “deserving” versus “undeserving” populations. As an exercise in limited resources and ethical decision-making please address the following:

  • Identify a vulnerable population that is prevalent in your practicum setting or community.
  • Select a culture or ethnic group and describe one health disparity that affects that chosen group (a “culture” or “ethnic group” might be, for example, African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, mental health, LGBTQ, etc.).
  • Provide a description of how you, as a nurse, might help allocate resources accordingly when evaluating the health promotion needs of the chose population.
  • Would you consider using terms such as “deserving” versus “non-deserving” when providing care for the vulnerable population? Please explain.

Read the article in the link below to answer the questions APA fromat 300+ words

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