read the instruction and the file then form a paper follow the instruction

read the instruction and the file then form a paper follow the instruction.

I’m stuck on a English question and need an explanation.

Writing Guidelines:

11 or 12 point Times New Roman or Calibri font only


One-inch margins on all sides

Numbered pages in upper right corner

Proper Citations Required (You may use footnotes, endnotes, and in-text citations)

Your name, course number, and date on a separate cover sheet.

Separate works cited page

(Response papers that do not meet these guidelines will be penalized)


This paper should not merely be a summary of the reading itself. Rather, the paper will be graded based on the following inclusions:

  1. An overview of the author’s main arguments (Approximately 3 or more pages)
  2. What overall argument is the author making? What specific examples does the author focus on in the reading?
  3. How is this argument being made? (e.g., What kind of data is being used by the author to support her argument?)
  4. How does this argument support or refute arguments made by other authors in the section?
  1. Your personal critical response to the reading (Approximately 2 pages)
  2. What, if anything, do you find convincing about the argument being made?
  3. What problems and/or oversights do you see in the reading?
  4. What, specifically, do you think this article contributes to broader discussions of the topic?

Your essay should include:

1) an introductory paragraph providing a general overview (preview) of the main body of your essay and your conclusions

2) main body (summary and critical response)

3) concluding paragraph

Grading Rubric:

Response papers will be graded according to the following criteria:

  1. Content and Development (Total points: 80)
  1. Paper addresses the main arguments and issue(s) raised: 50 Points
  1. Critical response is substantive: 30 Points (Well-formed, thoughtful, and detailed responses to the reading. Minimum total of 5 double-spaced pages per paper.)
  1. Mechanics (Total points: 10)
  1. Rules of spelling, grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed: 10 Points
  1. Readability and Style (Total points: 10)
  1. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise, and the tone is appropriate to the content and assignment: 10 Points

100 points total per paper

read the instruction and the file then form a paper follow the instruction

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