Reflection on Treatment and Intervention Techniques in Social Work: Assess Your Competence

Reflection on Treatment and Intervention Techniques in Social Work: Assess Your Competence.

I’m studying for my Writing class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Introduction and Alignment

As described in Chapter 11 of Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice, there are many effective ways to intervene as a social worker. Social workers often use a combination of techniques and roles in order to support their clients’ strengths and meet their clients’ needs. In this activity, you will observe three types of foundational strengths-based interventions. Then, you will reflect on your competence in various social work intervention techniques and roles and consider specific practice examples. You will also have the chance to examine your preferences and strengths in intervention and also what aspects might need more improvement in your future social work career.

Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:

  • Utilize reflection and self-regulation to manage effectively the intersection of personal and professional values. (PO 1)


  • Textbook: Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice
  • Video: Narrative Therapy
  • Video: Solution Focused Therapy: An Adolescent Client
  • Video: Case Study Clinical Example CBT: First Session with a Client with Symptoms of Depression (CBT Model)
  • File: Journal Worksheet_Treatment and Intervention Techniques in Social Work.docx

Background Information

Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice, Chapter 11, highlights three types of strengths-based interventions that are frequently used in social work practice: brief psychodynamic therapy, solution-focused therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy. There are many other strengths-focused and evidence-based intervention types that are not covered in this chapter. Social workers are continually encouraged to evaluate their own techniques and abilities and to train in practices that empower clients effectively.


  1. In your textbook, Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice, read Chapter 11.
  2. Watch this ten-minute video depicting narrative therapy. Note the specific techniques used in this intervention. You may also read the optional file Narrative Therapy Transcript.pdf.Thumbnail of Video – Click to Play
  1. Watch this three-minute video depicting solution-focused therapy. Note the specific techniques used in this intervention. You may also read the optional file Solution Focused Therapy An Adolescent Client Transcript.pdf.

    Thumbnail of Video – Click to Play

  1. Watch this 14-minute video depicting cognitive behavioral therapy. Note the specific techniques used in this intervention. You may also read the optional file Case study: First session with a client with symptoms of depression (CBT model) Transcript.pdf.

    Thumbnail of Video – Click to Play
  1. Review the grading criteria in the rubric below to understand the grading guidelines for this reflection.
  2. Download the Journal Worksheet_Treatment and Intervention Techniques in Social Work.docx. On the worksheet, complete the following:
    1. Assess your current level of competency in the critical techniques and roles of social work intervention that are listed on the worksheet.
    2. For each intervention technique and role, give a one-sentence example of a client scenario in which the technique or role would be utilized.
    3. Respond to each of the writing prompts. Think about your ability to demonstrate intervention techniques and roles.

Reflection on Treatment and Intervention Techniques in Social Work: Assess Your Competence

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