Research Methodology.
I don’t know how to handle this Business question and need guidance.
Student is required to choose a TOPIC for Study and prepare a Research Design / Proposal encompassing all the required fields of design. These are as follows:
- What is the study about? (training challenges in oman airline )
- Why is the study being made?
- Where will the study be carried out?
- What type of data is required?
- Where can the required data be found?
- What period of time will the studied include?
- What will be the sample design?
- What technique of data collection will be used?
- How will the data we analyze?
- In what style the report will be prepared?
All these points should be grouped as under:
- Introduction:
- Statement of Problem:
- Project Objectives:
- Sources of Data & Proposed Methodology
- Relevant Past Studies:
- Anticipated Problems:
- Outline of Chapters and expected Duration of Completion: