Researched Argument about Racism ?

Researched Argument about Racism ?.

I’m working on a Sociology question and need guidance to help me study.

The Researched Argument, 10-12 pages, double spaced, (Please use 1 of the 3 standard style guides for your essay—MLA, APA, or Chicago Manual), which brings together your understanding of the scholarship on a specific (business) ethical issue and your ability to articulate a response to that problem, should exhibit your ability to:

1) invent a sophisticated research question, problem, or issue,

2) undertake in-depth research that informs the question at hand,

3) derive a plausible soft-claim that seriously addresses your problem, and

4) suggest an even better question that prompts further thinking on the matter.

I attached file named (REASEARCHED ARGUMENT-BUS) that explain more about the research.

I attached file named (Abstract-BES) This is my abstract about this research.

and I attached file named (The Abstract) This file show you how my abstract (Abstract-BES) works and there is an example.

Researched Argument about Racism ?

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