Respond to the following

Paper details Make a sound map of “Tiger Balm.” Write down and describe each and every sound in “Tiger Balm.” If you are having trouble identifying them, look at the liner notes on the Bandcamp page. Do not just list the sounds — try to describe them in detail in terms of their sonic details, expressivities, morphologies, etc. Provide a timestamp for each sound, followed by a 2-3 sentence description. Then, outline connections and correspondences between the various sounds, in terms of their sonic features and/or their representational or symbolic identities. You can steal some of the connections I set forth in the lecture, but try to extend my analysis or provide different perspectives. But I would encourage you to draw some of your connections.

As I illustrated in the lectures, draw lines between the different corresponding sounds and write a couple sentences about the connections you are perceiving. Indicate a minimum of four connections. 3) Write a description of Éliane Radigue’s L’Île Re-Sonante from a bird’s eye view perspective, giving the reader a sense of the overall piece, but without resorting to the minute-by-minute, time-stamp approach we’ve taken in previous exercises. Think of this essay as a guide for a curious listener who may want to purchase this record but cannot listen to any excerpts or previews, like a wall text in a museum describing a work of art that you are looking at, or the inside jacket text on a work of literature which guides the prospective reader in discovering what sort of book they have in their hands. Write about the sonorous surface of L’Île Re-Sonante, the kind of demands it makes on a listener, and what the composer seems to be doing. Min of 250 words

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