response 13

response 13.

I need help with a Health & Medical question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

I have 3 of my classmates posts. I need you to respond to each one separately. Also, one source at least for each one of them. Don’t write about how good their posts or how bad. All you need to do is to choose one point of the post and explore it a little bit with one source support for each response. The paper should be APA style.

the question was: The Syrian refugee crisis has been classified as one of the largest humanitarian crises in recent history. Discuss three challenges associated with this humanitarian crisis. How would you recommend managing these challenges? Be prepared to substantiate your ideas.

this is the 1st post from my classmate SAMI need to responded :

It is now evident that the Syrian conflict has led to the world humanitarian crisis in world history. The country has suffered much due to conflicts. The lives of over half of the country’s population before the war being terminated — a significant number is living away from homes as they are forced to flee. There is a great struggle as the family gets the going hard especially on survival. There is a crisis in so big that people are starting creating homes outside their country. Hundreds of thousands are using illegal means to reach Europe. They are seeking asylum from the world all over.

Their makeshift home outside the country is dawning so hard on them. They must brace the winters as well as hot summers in the refugee camps. They have to fight the diseases and the harsh conditions at all costs despite having a minimal reach to necessities. The events of conflict are now living in their day to day life, affecting both physically and psychologically.

With crisis dragging to end, most of the people hosted by neighboring families outside the refugee camps are also suffering. Such families cannot continue hosting the families, citing financial constraints. They are living in pathetic conditions, including rooms that do not have the necessary heat or water (Moraga and Rapoport, 2015). They are living in abandoned places, including storage sheds and animal shelters.

The other common issue for the Syrian refugees is the lack of clean water as well as sanitation in most of the residences. Essentially, the makeshift camps and settlements are proving to be hard for people living there. This is an urgent concern given that there is a possibility of the quick spread of diseases. They lack the necessary medical support, with almost half of the population living in these camps relying on a contaminated source of water to meet the needs(Basheti et al., 2019).

This calls the attention of everyone to look on some way to help the Syrian refugees. Donating the basic needs through humanitarian bodies and the United Nations will go a long way in helping improve their lives. There is also a need to look for short term solutions, especially on the water, by drilling wells across the camps to ensure proper access to clean water. However, the overall solution is finding subtle ways to stop the Syrian conflict(Roberts, Murphy and McKee, 2016). The government and world bodies have to institute sanctions to the Syrian government or even take military action to a ceasefire in Syrian. If the necessary measures are not taken, more people will die, and others forced out of their homes.


Basheti, I. A., Ayasrah, S. M., Basheti, M. M., Mahfuz, J., & Chaar, B. (2019). The Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan: a cross sectional pharmacist-led study assessing post-traumatic stress disorder. Pharmacy practice, 17(3).

Moraga, J. F. H., & Rapoport, H. (2015). Tradable Refugee-Admission Quotas (TRAQs), the Syrian crisis and the new European agenda on migration. IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 4(1), 23.

Roberts, B., Murphy, A., & McKee, M. (2016). Europe’s collective failure to address the refugee crisis.

this is the 2nd post from my classmate SWIDAN need to responded :

The Syrian refugee crisis has been rightly classified as one of the largest humanitarian emergencies. The ongoing civil war has either internally displaced or forced to flee nearly 12 million Syrians (“Quick Facts”, n.d.). One in five refugees is Syrian, and they seek shelter in developed and neighboring countries (CHDS). The problem is made worse due to the ineffective local integration and undesirable socio-cultural effects of refugees on asylum-providing states, all of which call for urgent philanthropic efforts for dealing with the crisis. Syrian refugee resettlement in Western countries is significantly weaker than the one in Jordan and Lebanon. Overall, there are among 5 to 7 million registered refugees (CHDS). To a certain extent, the problem exists because some Western countries now view these refugees as terror threats. So, Syrian refugees look towards local states for asylum.

Unfortunately, the local integration of Syrian refugees has also not been very successful, mainly due to financial issues. Because of the proximity to Syria, refugees flee in large numbers to neighboring states. Though the countries have welcomed the refugees, Jordan and Lebanon are now economically and demographically overwhelmed due to overpopulation (Baylouny & Klingseis, 2018). In Turkey and Lebanon, Syrians can be found working illegally or begging for a living. Moreover, about 85 to 90% of the refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey do not live in camps because they seek employment (CHDS).

In addition, the influx of Syrian refugees has had adverse cultural and social effects in local host countries. Because of dire economic conditions, refugees have opted for negative coping strategies that have given rise to prostitution, drug dealing, abuse, and child marriage in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan (CHDS). Due to this chain reaction, host states are refusing to grant asylum to Syrian refugees.

A massive humanitarian effort is required to deal with the problems associated with the Syrian refugee crisis. In my opinion, developed countries should financially aid organizations in collaboration with the United Nations so that the refugees do not leave a long-term economic and social impact on the host countries. This process will help resentful asylum-providers to deal with their financial setbacks. External efforts need to be put into rebuilding Syria, which would allow the refugees to return home once they feel safe to do so. Therefore, relentless efforts and charitable contributions are required to rebuild the country and help its people, devastated by the civil war.


Center for Homeland Defense and Security. (2018, May 10). The Syrian refugee crisis. CHDS/ED. Retrieved from

Baylouny, A. M., & Klingseis, S. J. (2018). Water thieves or political catalysts? Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Lebanon.Middle East Policy, 25(1), pp. 104-123

Quick facts: What you need to know about the Syria crisis. Mercy Corps. Retrieved from…

this is the 3rd post from my classmate ALI need to responded :

The Syrian refugee crisis that began in March 2011 is an ongoing humanitarian disaster. Millions of people from Syria have been forced to leave the country, and the majority of the refugees who have left Syria have moved to Turkey. Even more, Syrians have been displaced from their homes but remain trapped inside their country (UNHCR, 2019). The magnitude of this crisis poses many challenges for humanitarian operations, because so many people have been displaced in a relatively short time, and the world was not prepared to respond to these numbers of refugees, both within Syria and in other countries.

One of the challenges is the dehumanization of Syrian refugees by international refugee organizations. Because there are so many refugees, large organizations that carry out the relocation of displaced people tend to treat them as objects, forgetting that they are dealing with human persons. Refugees are thus subjected to the interest of the states that receive them, and refugees become like products that organizations are moving around (Ongenaert & Joye, 2019). This challenge could be overcome by implementing a more compassionate approach towards displaced people in refugee organizations. The needs and rights of displaced people should have a priority over the interests of organizations and Western states that receive refugees. From that basis, there should be no dehumanization, but each refugee should be treated as a person worthy of all human rights.

A second challenge has to do with the fact that less than 10 percent of Syrian refugees are located in proper refugee camps. Most have settled in informal shelters and urban centers (UNHCR, 2019). This is problematic because it is difficult to provide the proper aid to refugees who are scattered in different random places. Improvised settlements lack proper sanitation, infrastructure, and in general, the means to provide appropriate living conditions for people. Clearly, a solution for creating more refugee camps is not very realistic because there are probably not enough resources to accommodate so many refugees. Therefore, humanitarian organizations should work within existing settlements wherever they might be. Medicine, food, and sanitation should be brought to urban settlements and rural refugee camps.

A third challenge arises from the issue that a large part of Syrian refugees are minors under 18 years old. Children and teenagers have a right to education, and host countries have been struggling to provide the necessary access to school for these minors. Additional school shifts have been implemented in some of these host countries in order to accommodate the new flow of children, but resources are not enough to put all the refugee Syrian children in school. The result is that most displaced children are not attending school at the moment (UNHRC, 2019). The challenge in this situation is how to bring all the displaced children to school so that they can receive an education. This challenge is very complex and challenging to overcome. However, the first step is for international organizations such as UNICEF to work towards the goal of providing education for these children. Teachers and school supplies could be brought to refugee settlements, both formal and informal, both inside Syria and in the host countries. This would allow children to learn at least the basic subjects.


Ongenaert, D., & Joye, S. (2019). Selling displaced people? A multi‐method study of the public communication

strategies of international refugee organisations. DISASTERS, 43(3), 478–508.

UNHRC. (2019). Syria refugee crisis explained. Retrieved from

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