resume assingment

resume assingment.

Can you help me understand this Resume Writing question?

In this assignment, you will create a résumé. First, search online for a job posting for a position that interests you and for which you are qualified (or almost qualified). Then create your résumé, targeting the requirements for the job you found.

Download Template 1 and Template 2, and select one to use for your résumé.

Your résumé should not only detail all of your relevant education and experience, it should also include specific key skills or qualifications mentioned in the job posting. Many resumes are scanned electronically for key words before they are reviewed by an actual person. Including the right key words increases your odds that your resume will reach a human being.

Read all instructions before you begin!


  • List your credentials (if applicable) after your name.
  • Identify your skills at the top of the resume.
  • Use present tense for current jobs and past tense for older jobs.
  • Include the program name and degree you will receive at the end of this program.
  • Write out all words including dates, titles, address, etc.
  • Use a consistent format and clear font like Calibri or Arial that are easy to read on a screen.
  • Proof-read and spellcheck your resume carefully. This document is a representation of you!


  • Write an objective. This takes up valuable space at the top of your resume. Instead, write a brief summary of your work experience or create a bulleted list of your skills.
  • Include your high school/GED completion dates. Now that you’ve earned a degree, these are assumed and take up needless space.
  • Identify your references or provide a reference line. These take up space, and you can provide them when you are asked for an interview.
  • List dates of degrees. This could lead to age bias.
  • Provide dates for certifications or licenses received. Instead, only list current information and ‘Current’

Paste the URL of the webpage where you found the post and the job description below:

Save your files as a Word document (.docx).
Include the term Resume and your Last Name when saving that file. Example: Resume_Smith.docx
Upload one completed document using the Browse button, then click Add Another File to upload the other, then click the Submit button.

Points Possible: 20

5 points for including all required sections

5 points for résumé highlighting your qualifications and specific to your chosen position

4 points for consistent, appropriate résumé format

3 points for spelling, capitalization, punctuation

2 points for providing the job description and URL

1 point for including your degree

resume assingment

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