Run simulations for five methods

Run simulations for five methods.

I’m working on a Statistics exercise and need support.

Given a linear model Y=β0∗+X∗⊤β∗+ε, ε∼N(0,σ∗2).

Run simulations for five methods:

  • LASSO (Tibshirani; 1996)
  • least angle regression LARS(Efron et al.; 2004) (Skip LARS for logistic models).
  • elastic net (Zou and Hastie; 2005)
  • SCAD (Fan and Li; 2001)
  • MCP (Zhang; 2010)

I only need to master part. I need the explain and R code or Matlab code or python’s code for the problem.

This is an easy one but I don’t have the time to run the simulations.

PLEASE BID only if you are sure that you will be able to do it.

Run simulations for five methods

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