Should historians use slave narratives from the Federal Works Project to understand the past? Why or Why not?.
Help me study for my History class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.
you will write a persuasive paper on the use of slavery narratives to study and understand the past.IT should address the following question:
Should historians use slave narratives from the Federal Works Project to understand the past? Why or Why not?
you should use the support documents below (including the background and narrative documents) as evidence to support your position. I also expect you to locate at least one additional slave narrative of your own (from the Library of Congress link below) in your argument. You are welcome to use additional primary and secondary sources in your writing as you see fit so long as they are academically credible.
This is a persuasiveargumentative paper. You are not merely summarizing the topic of slavery or the slave narratives. Rather, you are choosing a stance on the question above and writing to persuade the reader to adopt your stance. That said, you must provide specific evidence and reasoning to explain your position.
Formatting Expectations
Word Count: 1000 words minimum.
Document Type:
Times New Roman font with 1″ margins on all sides.
Proofreading: I expect
Using the spell checker function of your word processing software or a freebie tool like Grammarly is strongly recommended.
Citations: You should cite all sources you use You’ll use parenthetical notations for the in-text citations and Turabian for the bibliography at the end of your paper.
Support Documents
Slave Narrative Background Information
Slave Narrative Documents
Library of Congress Slave Narratives
Turabian Citation Guide
Parenthetical Notations Guide
Sample Bibliography