Small assignment.
I’m stuck on a Article Writing question and need an explanation.
Part 1
Find one credible and authoritative (no zombies please) website that represents a viewpoint you are either unfamiliar with or may disagree with. In 2 paragraphs, post as to the why the rhetoric (ethos/pathos/logos, graphic design, site structure) makes that site credible.
Part 2
identify the required elements of your page: About page, Digital Media Project, Links Page, Critique page.
ABOUT PAGE- My about page is titled “about me” and can be found under the “quick look at me” tab of the menu bar.
DIGITAL MEDIA PROJECT- My digital media project is comprised of four infographics as well as the photo of myself. The infographics can be found under the “internships” tab of the menu bar on the pages “JusticeCorps” and “Office of Student Advocacy” as well as under the “research” tab of the menu bar on the pages titled “All “One-shotters” are Not Created Equal” and “The California Model: Constitutionally Sound and Effective.” My photo can be found on the homepage as well as on my “about me” page.
LINKS PAGE- My links page can be found on my menu bar and is titled “important links.”
CRITIQUE PAGE- I have two critique pages which can both be found under the “research” section of the menu bar and are titled “All “One-shotters” are Not Created Equal” and “The California Model: Constitutionally Sound and Effective.” These pages break down two papers where I critiqued analyzed and critiqued legal theory based on my own experience in a California court.