SOC 4492 Final Paper

SOC 4492 Final Paper.

Need help with my Sociology question – I’m studying for my class.

This final paper is due on 12/11.

The final paper is due on the last day of class. You will investigate a form of victimization on the national, regional or local level (This will depend on the form of victimization chosen.). You will be responsible for choosing a topic. The paper should include the following:

· An introduction – why should your reader care?

· A literature review that includes a discussion of the way that the chosen form of victimization is defined, statistics relating to the scope of the problem and a discussion of the current research relating to the form of victimization.

· A discussion of current policies relating to this form of victimization.

· An outline of, and justification for, a proposed policy that you feel will improve upon current policies.

Types of Victimization that can be used include: Child abuse/neglect, Intimate Partner Violence, Elderly violence, Sexual assault, violence against people with disabilities, Hate Crimes, And Human Trafficking

Undergraduate: Must be a minimum of 8 pages

The paper should be double-spaced and written in 11 point Arial font. It should have normal margins. The paper should be formatted following ASA style and include in-line citations. See (formatting), (citations) and page).

This is worth 25% of the final grade.

SOC 4492 Final Paper

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