Soc2275 final paper

Soc2275 final paper.

I’m studying and need help with a Sociology question to help me learn.

Please write an essay for each topic. Your essays should be well developed and at least one full side of a page.

  • Explain the three main sociological perspectives in-depth (i.e., structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism).
  • Imagine you are at Thanksgiving Dinner. I am your Uncle Stan and I believe that there are no major problems with educational and economic inequality in the United States. I believe everyone should just apply themselves in school; do their homework; and get a good job. What information could you present to me from this Intro to Sociology class that could enlighten me about a few of the obstacles that some Americans face in attaining these outcomes?

(Please explain in depth using at least six statistics/facts and/or concepts. You should underline what you are counting as your six points of evidence.)

  • Thinking about what resonates for you personally, what is the most important social issue that you learned about in this class? (Please explain in depth using at least six statistics/facts and/or concepts. You should underline what you are counting as your six points of evidence.)

Soc2275 final paper

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