Social Media and the Freedom of Speech

Social Media and the Freedom of Speech.

I’m studying and need help with a Political Science question to help me learn.

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states that all Americans are guaranteed the freedom of speech. However, this freedom is regulated by a series of other laws cautioning what is said. Slander, defamation and threats are not protected, for example. Recently, crimes such as cyber-bullying and virtual stalking have received national headlines. Given the nature of recent crimes and the virtual lack of restraint on the web, what are your thoughts on passing federal laws to regulate the World Wide Web in the United States? Should you be able to post whatever you want on social media?

  1. Student are to learn about the Elonis Facebook ruling. Please note that the lower court had a different decision than the Supreme Court ruling. Make sure your assignment is about the Supreme Court’s ruling. Please view this information and read the accompanying article

Social Media and the Freedom of Speech

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