STR581 – Week 3 – Strategic Plan, Part 2: Internal Environmental Analysis

STR581 – Week 3 – Strategic Plan, Part 2: Internal Environmental Analysis.

Can you help me understand this Management question?

It is important to secure a tutor with Strategic Management Planning Competencies and Knowledge. In addition, having an ability to convey in writing good English Grammar dialect while following all information requested in the assignment. Tutor should be able to follow APA standards, NO PLAGIARISM other than unavoidable and cited information. NO cutting and pasting because it causes an inability to format the completed document properly. Tutor must be able to follow ALL DIRECTIONS in the assignment and include ALL if any calculations requested in the assignment. Please include References.

Assignments are attached for weeks 3 and will be followed by weeks 4,5, & 6 over the next few weeks.

My selected Company to focus on is BIG LOTS, Inc.

STR581 – Week 3 – Strategic Plan, Part 2: Internal Environmental Analysis

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