Strategic Planning In Public Safety & Emerg Response Org

Strategic Planning In Public Safety & Emerg Response Org.

I need help with a Management question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Please see the below the questions below that I would like to have individually answered. This assignment must consist of 1200+ words with 3 Scholarly Sources, the below reference must be used as one source. Please put the question number by the answer so that I know what answer goes with each question.**NO PLAGIARISM WHATSOEVER**

1. What is meant by this statement: It is often said that biological weapons are a poor nation’s weapon of mass destruction.

2. Define each component of CBRNE. Why should first responders be concerned when responding to these types of events?

3. Explain the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP).

4. Identify the different types of discussion based exercises and each type of operational based exercises. Compare and contrast each type of exercise.

5. Who has the overall responsibility for investigating terrorism? What document(s) outlines this jurisdictional responsibility?

Reference: Erickson, Paul, A. (2006). Emergency Response Planning for Corporate and Municipal Managers (2nd Edition). Burlington, MA: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.

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Strategic Planning In Public Safety & Emerg Response Org

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