Students will develop a technology resource file of Website Resources available and appropriate for teaching physical education and health education, Find three different websites for physical education and three different websites for health education. W

Students will develop a technology resource file of Website Resources available and appropriate for teaching physical education and health education, Find three different websites for physical education and three different websites for health education. W.

I need an explanation for this User Interface / IA question to help me study.

Academic WritingUse proof reading checklist, write in third person, and do not use contractions.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat• Download template and Save As “yourlastnameWebRE,”
Example: oehlrichWebRE
• Create in a WORD document, attach in WORD document
• READ and follow the instructions in the template.
• Use 2.0 line spacing
• No extra space after paragraphs or sections
• Each website title will be listed on the Table of Contents page
• Each website resource begins at the top of a new page
• Each resource page has a proper APA citation underneath the title, with a hanging indentation
• In addition to the APA Citation for each page, include all Website APA citations on a properly formatted APA Reference page, at the end of the document
• 3 Resource Pages for Physical Activity websites
• 3 Resource Pages for Health websites

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluation of Website• Download template and Save As “yourlastnameWebRE,”

Example: oehlrichWebRE
• Create in a WORD document, attach in WORD document
• READ and follow the instructions in the template.
• Use 2.0 line spacing
• No extra space after paragraphs or sections
• Each website title will be listed on the Table of Contents page
• Each website resource begins at the top of a new page
• Each resource page has a proper APA citation underneath the title, with a hanging indentation
• In addition to the APA Citation for each page, include all Website APA citations on a properly formatted APA Reference page, at the end of the document
• 3 Resource Pages for Physical Activity websites
• 3 Resource Pages for Health websites

60.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations*On each Website page and the References page
*Website Title: *NO .com, .org, .net, or .edu
*Only the first word of the title is capitalized, unless it is a proper noun
*Includes Retrieved from ______, not accessed date*On Resource page
*NO .com, .org, .net, or .edu
*Only the first word of the title is capitalized, unless it is a proper noun
*Includes Retrieved from ______, not accessed date

Students will develop a technology resource file of Website Resources available and appropriate for teaching physical education and health education, Find three different websites for physical education and three different websites for health education. W

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