The difference between Watchmen as book and film

The difference between Watchmen as book and film.

I’m working on a Writing question and need guidance to help me study.

Option #1: Watchmen Film Review

  • Watch the 2009 Zack Snyder film adaptation of Watchmen. Then, write a 500-750 word review where you 1) address the differences between the graphic novel and film, and 2) describe what you liked about this film version, what you didn’t like, and why.

Option #2: Watchmen HBO Series Review

  • Watch one or more episodes of the new HBO series adaptation of Watchmen, which premiers on Sunday, October 20th. Then, write a 500-750 word review where you 1) address the differences between the graphic novel and TV series, and 2) describe what you liked about this TV version, what you didn’t like, and why.

The difference between Watchmen as book and film

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