The length should be three to four pages (double spaced,no longer than 12pt font)

The length should be three to four pages (double spaced,no longer than 12pt font).

Help me study for my Communications class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

1. Describe the nature of the relationship. Personal, social, professional, etc., length of the duration and basic expectations

2. Discuss some of the important rules that govern and define your relationship. Explain how they were developed.

3. Draw a johari window that characterizes your relationship. Discuss factors that are responsible for it

4. Discuss ways your relationship operates as a defensive or supportive one. Consider some of the specific factors that contribute to that in various situations

5. What means do employ to resolve conflicts? What did the conflict involve? Discuss the length of time this conflict has persisted. Discuss strategies used to resolve the conflict. To what degree were these methods satisfactory?

6. Use at least two (2) sources outside of your text (other than the internet). Be sure to identify your sources through a BIBLIOGRAPHY. You may sometimes paraphrase, but if you quote you must always make it clear that these are not your words, in your text.

The length should be three to four pages (double spaced,no longer than 12pt font)

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