The OSI Model

The OSI Model.

I don’t know how to handle this Software Development question and need guidance.

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research the following:

  • Network architecture
  • The OSI model

Based on your research and understanding, respond to the following:

  • What is a telecommunications network protocol? What is telecommunications network architecture? Select a network protocol and provide details on the steps that preceded the formal adoption of the protocol by the industry. Make sure you provide dates and organizations which were involved in the process.
  • How are analog signals converted to digital signals for transmission over a telecommunications network? What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital over analog? What is the role of digital modulation in transmitting digital signals from source to destination? Make sure you use diagrams to support your discussion.

In the OSI model, three layers divide the application layer from the network layer: presentation, session, and transport. The application layer is closest to the end user and the network layer is closest to the physical network. Based on the functions of the three layers between application and network, how do you anticipate the implementation of these layers changes from application to network, as information is moved from one layer to another? What is the importance of understanding the functions of these layers? How are layers represented in the TCP/IP model?

APA Format include Reference citations

The OSI Model

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