The Tragedy of the Commons

The Tragedy of the Commons.

Help me study for my Political Science class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

watch the following videos: Tragedy of the Commons Part 1 – Chalk Talk (Links to an external site.) and Tragedy of the Commons Part 2 – Chalk Talk (Links to an external site.).

Reflect: Review the three different “tragedy of the commons” scenarios identified in the course text (page 106 to 113): Grazing Sheep, Stag Hunt, and Farming to Fishing. These scenarios are certainly not the only examples of challenges that the use of common goods or resources creates. Envision or explore other situations that could apply to the “tragedy of the commons” problems. Consider the political complications as leaders struggle to balance the ideal use of resources against the real needs of citizens.

Write: In your initial post of at least 200 words, address the following:

  • Describe one scenario that exemplifies the “tragedy of the commons.”
  • Discuss some of the potential political problems for governments to resolve that this tragedy would produce.
  • Explain how the scenario is a conflict between the ideal and the real.

The Tragedy of the Commons

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