Theories of crime—–Blog post

Theories of crime—–Blog post.

I don’t understand this Law question and need help to study.

use biosocial theory to support your position on the use of the death penalty as punishment for juvenile offenders. Your response should discuss a theory and explain whether it supports this punishment for juveniles.

Your post should not exceed 2 short paragraph
You must include an image in your post as a visual for the reader.


BioSocial and Life Course Offending

This week we look at biosocial risk factors and revisit some of our favorite variables, such as genetics, IQ and ADHD. We also talk about protective factors – those are the things that protects us from delinquency, like intelligence and empathy. Some of the research in this area leads us to think about identifying a genetic marker from crime – what if that existed? Seems to me that biosocial theoriests have some serious consequences to consider.

Moffitt’s developmental theory details how the life-course persistent offender differs from the adolescent-limited offender by focusing on the influence of impulsivity. More recently, researchers are exploring the effects of neurocognition

Theories of crime—–Blog post

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