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Assessment 4 Analyze the value of efficient workplace investigations and alternative dispute resolution processes that align with an organization’s structure and goals. In addition, analyze the impact labor unions can have on the balance of power between employees and employers. Provide a three-part written analysis of workplace investigations, dispute resolution practices, and contemporary labor relations. Part 1: Hostile Work Environment Investigation Explore the processes and key issues in conducting effective and legally defensible workplace investigations. Launch the media piece Sexual Harassment and Workplace Litigation, linked in the Resources under the Required Resources heading, and work through the interview with Les. Answer the following questions: What is your next step after meeting with Les? How will you prepare for it? What would you do next? Why? How will you make the determination regarding the case? As an employee relations professional, which aspect of the case is most troubling to you? Why? Based on the information presented, including the evidence, what should be done? Why? Part 2: Alternative Dispute Resolutions Based on what you already know, have read, or researched about different methods of resolving disputes, explore alternative dispute resolutions. Answer the following questions, using your current organization as the context, if possible, so that you can include your insights into organizational culture and norms. What are the three most important things you would be concerned about if charged with creating a new alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process for an organization? How would you ensure that employees would not face retaliation? Compare alternative dispute resolution practices, including negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. In what ways are these practices similar? In what ways are these practices different? Part 3: Different Unions, Different Issues Examine two national labor unions, such as the UAW, AFT, or SEIU. What are the issues these unions are concerned with? Are the issues the same for both unions? Why do you think these issues are similar or dissimilar? What is the source of the statement presenting these issues: a particular political representative, a recent poll, or some other source? Is this source reliable? Do you think the issues are relevant to the current world of work? What evidence have you found in your research to support your impression of the relevance of these issues’ to the world of work today? Are there more relevant issues that are not being addressed? Provide evidence to support your position. Do you think the issues could be addressed by management given today’s employment laws? Why or why not? Is there a better alternative than the voices of these two unions for addressing these issues? What impact do these unions have on the employee-employer relationship? What are some of the ethical implications of unfair employer labor practices? How does the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1947 affect organizations today? Additional Requirements Length of paper: Your paper should consist of three distinct sections. Each part should be 3–4 pages (double-spaced). Include a references page at the end of your paper. Written communication: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and professional. Your writing should be: Concise and logically organized. Free of errors in grammar and mechanics. Validation and support: Provide relevant and credible supporting evidence. APA formatting: Format all citations and references in accordance with APA sixth edition guidelines