Topic : Interpersonal Communication

Topic : Interpersonal Communication.

Can you help me understand this Writing question?

ITopic: Interpersonal Communication Assignment 3


1, Single spaced (545 Words)



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Communication Strategies

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Order Description

Objective: The application papers are designed to allow you to demonstrate your application of concepts

and/or theories to your everyday life. Specifically, it is your chance to make the course relevant to you! In

order to show that you have applied concepts correctly to everyday experiences, you should make sure to

define/explain concepts that you refer to and specifically indicate how aspects of the concept/theory relate to

the advice you provide.

Format: The assignment must fit on the front of a single sheet of paper!! Each paper must be typed,

single-spaced, and in APA format (6th ed.). You should provide a list of references at the bottom of the page

(APA style format) for all information referenced. Each application assignment is worth 6.67 points.


This section of the course deals with conflict and relational transgressions (i.e., conflict, hurtful messages,

infidelity, jealousy, obsessive relational intrusion, intimate partner violence, and relational repair and

forgiveness). Below are a series of advice column questions. Please select one (1) of the following questions

to address in a one-page response. Please be sure to identify the question you are answering in your written


Question #1 (Applicable Concepts: Conflict, Intimate Partner Violence, Relational Repair)

I was dating this guy for the past six months and he decided to drop the breakup bomb in the middle of a

dinner date. We were at a restaurant and I really felt blindsided. I was so upset that he didn’t deliver the news

in a more thoughtful, intimate, and sensitive manner. He didn’t give any real reason other than something

like “I think it’s best we both move on.” He was also very cold and businesslike in how he presented it. It

almost felt like I was on an exit interview after getting let go by a company. My emotions got the best of me

and I really lost control. I gave him a stinging slap across the face that was widely noticed and then walked

out. It was in the city so I took a cab home. While I’m still resentful of how he handled it, I feel like I should

do the mature and responsible thing and apologize for the slap. I don’t really feel like calling him so would

an apology note via email or regular mail be appropriate?

Question #2 (Applicable Concepts: Jealousy)

I’m jealous. I’m jealous of people who succeed at what I do (write literary fiction). I’m jealous of them even

if I love them or like them or respect them. Even when I pretend to be happy when my writer friends get

good news, the truth is I feel like I swallowed a spoonful of battery acid. For days afterwards I go around

feeling queasy and sad, silently thinking why not me? Where is this jealousy coming from and how can I deal

with it?

Question #3 (Applicable Concepts: Obsessive Relational Intrusion/Stalking)

I am 25 and my friend, “John,” is 33. I’ve known John since I was 8 years old. He was my brother’s best

friend growing up and was considered a family friend. After going through a pretty tough time in his earlymid

20s, John began to visit my family at least once a week and would stay for a few hours to talk. Often, it

was just John and I at home when he came over as my brother no longer lived a

Topic : Interpersonal Communication

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