Topic proposal

Paper details The proposal for your research paper is a very important step toward the success of your paper (details about the requirements of the final paper can be found in the Content/Lessons area – link in the left side menu).
The Proposal should be one document, containing the following:
Part 1: Provide your selected paper topic, and describe your reasoning for making this choice. (Note: this proposal will not be very lengthy, it merely needs to address the items in the previous sentence. It will likely be only a paragraph or two in length.)
The paper can be any topic contained/related to the text. Select a topic that interests you – there are several topics that many students have found very interesting. Please remember to pick an area in which at least 1800 words can be written for your research paper that is due later in the term. Keep in mind that you must go into much further detail than what is presented in the text. So do not pick a topic that an entire chapter or several pages are about. You will want to select a topic that is a very small section (maybe a paragraph or two) or perhaps is just mentioned in the text.
You should also do some preliminary research to make sure you will be able to find adequate sources. The Research Paper Instructions page (in the Content/Lessons section) has a ton of info about sources and their requirements, be sure to read that carefully before selecting your sources.
Students will lose points if:
1) The proposal is submitted late.
2) The proposal is not submitted.
3) The proposal is not well written.
4) The proposal does not contain your reasoning for selecting the desired topic.
Note, if the topic is too broad or too narrow, your instructor will work with you to select a more suitable topic.
Do no let this step of the paper be a roadblock for you – see suggestions below.
Proper grammar and college-level work is expected.
Im doing Lifespan Human Growth and Development so we have been asked to choose a topic proposal for the research we will be doing in the future The topics can be like Early Childhood, Late adulthood or any other topic is under lifespain human growth and development.

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