Toxicology air polution find a paper to create a video

Toxicology air polution find a paper to create a video.

I’m trying to learn for my Environmental Science class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Tox Vlog – find a current air pollution topic in the news – research the toxicant–

Is this the first issue or is there a history of problems with this exposure?

What is known about the health impacts?

Are there vulnerable/susceptible groups?

Use you knowledge of the principles of tox as well as organs/systems tox to talk about why this exposure is a problem.

Develop a 5 minute presentation and record yourself (audio and visual please) so that you can teach the class about the topic.

Please provide me the paper and set this to me as I’m going to make a 5 min video about it.

Toxicology air polution find a paper to create a video

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