Treatment Plan.
I’m working on a Psychology question and need guidance to help me study.
Review my youtube video to write a comprehensive assessment report and treatment plan. Using the Components of a Treatment Plan (Table 5.1, p. 87, Patterson text) and previous course details as your guide, complete the report.
The report is typically a minimum of 3-4 pages, plus all included forms and assessments. All assessments utilized for development of the report and plan must be submitted as part of the grade. Follow APA for title page, one-inch margins, double space, Times New Roman, 12 point font size.
I will be uploading the genogram and have attached completed assessments with a document of scores on the assessments. In addition I have uploaded the Intake Sheets as well and a link to the video.
- Title Page
- Brief Narrative of couple: The narrative is typically one to two paragraphs and includes demographics including length of marriage, their ages, how many children and ages, occupation, description of neighborhood, and who resides in the household.
Also include a narrative about their views of family (such as traditional, equalitarian), family values, family rituals, and roles of family members. - Written analysis of the genogram noting common themes from generation to generation , observations of interactional or relational patterns, and, if known, when or how these patterns developed. Also include strengths of the family.
- Written summary (at least a paragraph) of the biopsychosocialspiritual assessment.
- State the presenting problem and include date of onset and solutions the couple attempted to resolve (or decrease) the presenting problem. (See Presenting problem and History of presenting problem in Table 5.1.)
- Formal Assessment and interpretation of the assessments: In addition to the DASS, at least two completed formal assessments (such as FACES III, Relationship Assessment Scale, Locke-Wallace Marital Adjustment Scale). Provide the results of each scale and the interpretation of the scores (what do the scores suggest). Students will submit the completed assessments with their report.
- Clinical hypotheses: What are your hypotheses about the presenting problem based on your assessment and theory (Table 5.1, p. 87). Include your overall observations of the couple including nonverbal interactions, behavioral interactions, posture, space of proximity (closeness, personal space, for example, how did the couple sit—close to one another, opposite ends of the sofa).
- Problems/goals/interventions: Identify a minimum of three problems or symptoms to be prioritized during treatment. For each identified issue, establish related goals and at least one related intervention. These issues should be evident from the genogram, formal assessment results, and should be described in terms of a functional analysis (see handout).
Each problem or issue should be described in terms of antecedent/behavior/consequence. Each issue should be accompanied by goals (see handout) and recommended interventions. - Summary and Prognosis: summarize the information and make any additional recommendations for referral and/or collaboration. Provide a prognosis.
- Completed intake forms—each couple will complete the intake form (provided). They do not need to include last name to protect confidentiality.
- Completed Multilayered Focused Genogram for each person, which will include the following: A)Three Generation Genogram: The genogram will include three generations, deaths (include dates), marriages (include dates), divorces (include dates), affairs, ages, mental health issues, drug/alcohol abuse, adoptions, stepfamilies, first names. See page 42 of McGoldrick’s text as an example. B) Relational Genogram for each person (separate page from the above genogram): The relational genogram will include three generations and relational patterns (close, enmeshed, conflictual, distant, cut-off). Review Chapter 7 (McGoldrick). C)Time line per person: Provide a time line of significant or critical events (such as car accident, birth of a child, wedding proposal, first job, etc.) or developmental chronology (first day of preschool/school, first date, first kiss, celebrations (birthdays, first car, etc.). See chapter 4 (McGoldrick) pages 83, 90 for examples.
- Bio-psycho-social assessment form (completed)
- Completed assessments with scores