Unit 5: Assignment – Case Analysis

Unit 5: Assignment – Case Analysis.

I don’t know how to handle this Marketing question and need guidance.


You will put what you have learned up to this point towards analyzing a real-world problem and then communicating your analysis and recommendations.


  1. Read the assigned case from the text
  2. Respond to all the questions associated with the case.
    • Prepare responses to the corresponding questions in essay/report format (word document). Be sure to number each response.
    • Respond in approximately 1-2 paragraphs per question.
    • The entire paper should be 2-3 pages in length, with no more than 1.5 spacing.
    • All cited material must include both internal citations and a complete reference list at the end of the paper.

Marketing Excellence Case

  • Toyota (pp. 396-397)


Case Analysis

Case Analysis

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

60.0 to >53.4 pts


The student provides a substantive response and demonstrated understanding of each question; in at least 2-3 paragraphs per question.

53.4 to >47.4 pts

Above Expectations

The student gives an accurate response and demonstrated understanding of each question; in at least 2-3 paragraphs per question.

47.4 to >41.4 pts

Meets Expectations

The student provides a response and demonstrated understanding to each question; in at least 1-2 paragraphs per question.

41.4 to >35.4 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

The student provides a response to each question; in at least 1 paragraph per question.

35.4 to >0 pts


The student provides a response to each question; in at least 1 paragraph per question. But the elements are not covered.

60.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat

20.0 to >17.8 pts


Student includes title page, internal citations, a complete reference list are provided and follows APA format. Response demonstrates professional writing skills and does not include errors. Report meets page minimum-exceeds 2 pages.

17.8 to >15.8 pts

Above Expectations

Student includes title page, internal citations, a complete reference list are provided and follows APA format. Response demonstrates professional writing skills and does not include errors. Report meets page minimum-exceeds 2 pages.

15.8 to >13.8 pts

Meets Expectations

Student includes most elements of the following: title page, internal citations, a complete reference list/APA format, professional writing skills, minimal errors, 2 page minimum.

13.8 to >11.8 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Student includes some elements of the following: title page, internal citations, a complete reference list/APA format, professional writing skills, minimal errors, 2 page minimum. 10.0 pts

11.8 to >0 pts


Student includes very few of the following elements: title page, internal citations, a complete reference list/APA format, professional writing skills, minimal errors, does not meet the 2 page minimum.

20.0 pts

Total Points: 80.0

Unit 5: Assignment – Case Analysis

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