US Government & Politics

US Government & Politics.

I’m working on a Political Science question and need guidance to help me study.

Please see the attachment for more details of this assignment.

Here is some example:

1: 1.Rank the issues below from 1 most important to you to 13 least important to you:

2.List your top three issues and explain why these issues are important to you:

3: Candidate Profile Sheet:

Look over the candidates running for president and select one you believe best aligns with the issues you listed above as being important to you.

To find out more about your candiadate you will need to go to their personal website, you can find this through

  • Select a candiadate listed here:,_2020, look through the list and get an over view of all the candidates.
  • Click on the candidates name in their bio to go to a more indepth bio
  • In ballotpedia’s bio of the candidate there is a link to the candidates website under contact.

US Government & Politics

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