Using Public Networks

Using Public Networks.

I don’t understand this C Programming question and need help to study.

Discussion Topic: Using Public Networks

Public networks (like coffee shop or hotel networks) are often open networks. Do you use this type of network? What types of things do you do while connected to the network? Do you shop? Check bank balances? Pay your credit card? Do you know anyone who does any of these things? Is this safe? Why or why not?

Just do response each posted # 1 to 3 down below only

Posted 1

Hello Class and Professor,

Public wifi networks normally give me more grief than convenience . I have used them in the past when my phone would not have service or when I needed to perform an assignment on my computer away from home but, I usually do not use them.

While connected to local networks I mostly would scroll facebook or post to snapchat. Sometimes google things.

I can not recall ever checking my bank balance while connected to public networks but, I will not say I never have.

I have not paid a credit card payment connected to public wifi.

I do not know if any one I know does these things.

I honestly thought wifi networks were harmless but, after research I do notice there may be an issue. Places like hotels or starbucks may not be as sketchy as they are already receiving a profit from your presence but, random public networks may not be as secure. Not knowing who is behind the network is a flag and when using open wifi networks things of the nature to personal address, social security numbers, bank information, credit card information, anything to place harm or scam on you should not be accessed.

Posted 2

I rarely use open networks. When I do, I only browse the internet or play games. My limited use of open networks isn’t because I’m concerned about my digital security; it’s just circumstantial. However, I understand the dangers of using open networks. It’s easier for someone to access my data over an open network than over a private one.

Tools that assist the hijacking of others’ online sessions over open networks are easily available. The ease of digital sabotage makes any financially significant activity too risky.

Nobody I know uses open networks dangerously. Though technological competence varies among those I know, everyone understands the risks of using open networks. I’m unsure how everyone has been educated so well about the threat of personal data theft, but I’m happy to see it.

Posted 3

I use public networks if I want to use the internet and there is no other signal around. On my laptop, I make sure that the network is marked as a public network so that other devices cannot see my own. On any device, I will never log onto any website that has my payment information or my address, or any website that has access to any kind of funds. If you do, there is a chance that someone can steal your information and use that against you. Thankfully, no one I know does any of that on a public network, but if they did, I would let them know that they should not be doing it..

Using Public Networks

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