Using the knowledge of the project life cycle phases, prepare a PowerPoint presentation for your project manager colleagues and your PMO manager. The presentation will describe the project life cycle phases for your cho

Using the knowledge of the project life cycle phases, prepare a PowerPoint presentation for your project manager colleagues and your PMO manager. The presentation will describe the project life cycle phases for your cho.

I’m studying for my Powerpoint class and need an explanation.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for your project manager colleagues and your PMO manager. The presentation will describe the project life cycle phases for your chosen project and the major activities within each life cycle phase.

The PowerPoint presentation should contain 10–14 slides, including a title slide and at least 1 reference slide. The task content of the project life cycle phases for your project will be comprised of at least 9 slides. These content slides should contain at least 50–100 words of speaker notes per slide.

  • Slide 1: Title slide
    • This contains your topic and title
  • Slide 2: Introduction slide
    • Remember that you are the project manager and are presenting this information to other project managers and your PMO manager. Acknowledge the audience, and mention the purpose of the presentation.
    • This slide should contain at least 50–100 words of speaker notes.
  • Slides 3–10 (or more): Content slides
    • Briefly describe the business vision from the sponsor.
    • Outline and discuss the project life cycle phases for your project, and list the major deliverables in each phase.
    • Based on the above, chart a WBS for your project showing a minimum of 4 levels decomposed down to the work package level.
    • Identify major stakeholders, and create an initial stakeholders matrix showing the role and responsibilities of each.
    • The slides should each contain at least 50–100 words of speaker notes.
  • Final slide(s): Reference slide(s)
    • List your references according to the APA style.

Using the knowledge of the project life cycle phases, prepare a PowerPoint presentation for your project manager colleagues and your PMO manager. The presentation will describe the project life cycle phases for your cho

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