video report.
I’m studying and need help with a Writing question to help me learn.
- Who was the speaker and what was the title of the presentation?
Excellent – 2 points
You identified the name of the speaker and the title of the presentation.
Average – 1 point
You identified either the name of the speaker or the title of the presentation, but not both.
Needs Some Work – 0 points
You did not identify the name of the speaker or the title of the presentation.
- Identify and elaborate on each of the main points of the presentation.
Excellent – 5 points
You listed out the main points of the presentation and you elaborated on each one of these points.
Average – 3 points
You listed out the main points of the presentation but you did not elaborate or discuss these points.
Needs Some Work – 0 points
You did not list out the main points of the presentation.
- What was your takeaway from this presentation?
Excellent – 3 points
You identified a takeaway and discussed why it was important to you.
Average – 2 points
You identified a takeaway but you did not discuss why it was important to you.
Needs Some Work – 0 points
You did not identify or discuss a takeaway from the presentation.