Watch any of the following movies or documentaries and write 3 to 4 papers

Watch any of the following movies or documentaries and write 3 to 4 papers.

I’m working on a Sociology question and need guidance to help me study.

The #Hidden People Experience Papers

  • #HEP Paper Prompts:
    • While at event, viewing a television program, a documentary or a movie, try to take notes or be sure to remember significant observations of your experience
    • Begin your Response Paper by briefly describing the event, a television program, a documentary or a movie. What was its purpose, what occurred and who was it about?
    • When writing Response Paper ask yourself these questions: What did you finding striking, remarkable or memorable about what you viewed? What did you learn new? Did you disagree or have issue with anything you experienced? Were you interested? Bored? Excited? Angry? Why?
  • #HIDDEN PEOPLE Experience Papers :
    • For a full grading rubric, see the attached file
    • Please follow the basic format of an academic paper: name, class, date in left hand corner, standard 1” margins, double spaced, correct spelling and grammar,
    • Front and back printing if possible. If multiple pages, Response Paper MUST BE STAPLED.
    • Points will be taken off for grammar/spelling mistakes, formatting mistakes, lack of coherency or lack of effort.
    • Response Paper should be approximately 3 full pages. Anything less may not receive full credit.

Watch any of the following movies or documentaries

        • “The Business of Being Born” (documentary)
        • “The True Cost” (documentary, available on Netflix)
        • “13th” (documentary, available on Netflix)
        • “The Founder” (film, available on Netflix)
        • “Kill the Messenger” (film, available on Netflix)
        • “Time: The Kalief Browder Story” (documentary, available on Netflix)
        • “Get Out” (film, available on reserve at Monroe Campus library)
        • “Central Park Five” (documentary, available on reserve at Monroe Campus library)
        • “Icarus” (documentary, available on Netflix)
        • “12 O’Clock Boys” (documentary)
        • “Seoul Searching” (film, available on Netflix)
        • “Food, Inc.” (documentary, available on Netflix)
        • Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened” (documentary, available on Netflix)

Watch any of the following movies or documentaries and write 3 to 4 papers

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