Week 2 assignment Biostatitcs

Week 2 assignment Biostatitcs.

Help me study for my Health & Medical class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

This week’s assignment will teach you how to conduct some of the basic statistical analyses that you will need for your signature assignment. Each week builds upon concepts you will need to know.

Make sure you have loaded the Analysis ToolPak. For Excel 2013, 2010, or 2007: for more information, see Load the Analysis ToolPak in Excel.

Open the small Excel database that you created last week and do the following:

  1. Calculate the frequency and percentage for gender and ethnicity.
  2. Calculate the mean, standard deviation, median, and 50th percentile for age.
  3. Create a bar chart for participants’ gender and a bar chart for ethnicity (based on percentages, not counts).
  4. Create a histogram for participants’ age.
  5. On a Word document or a scanned sheet of paper, calculate question 2 above (mean, standard deviation, median, and 50th percentile for age) by hand to test your calculation abilities.

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Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)
Points: 50

Week 2 assignment Biostatitcs

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