What are the main differences between the Medical and Social models of disability? Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each model in understanding disability.

What are the main differences between the Medical and Social models of disability? Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each model in understanding disability..

I need help with a Social Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.


•Minimum of 8 sources in the bibliography

•Ensure you reference appropriately, both within your essay (intext citations), and in your bibliography-Use the guides to avoid mistakes!!

•Observe the word count: 1,500 word essay (10%)

•Ensure you provide the correct intext citations – use the guides

•Organise/structure the literature you present

•Support the points you make with appropriate references

•No: ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘me’ or ‘my opinion’ (you need to write in third person narrative)

•Ensure you provide an introduction and a conclusion

•No: tables, photo’s, graphs/charts or subheadings

Focus is on individual limitations – the impairment is regarded as the ‘problem’

Bodily ‘abnormality’ causing ‘disability’ or limitation

This has also been referred to as ‘The personal Tragedy Model’ – why?

How does the concept of the ‘norm’ fit here? – To be healthy means not suffering from any diseases, this is regarded as a ‘deviation’ from ‘normal’ biological functioning

What role do medical specialists play? Some key terms/points: Medicalisation, professional dominance, expertise, care

The Medical Model:

Weakness: the focus is on the individual, their impairment = their problem. Why is this problematic?

Strength: Pain alleviation and medicine – reduces the pain and discomfort experienced

The Social Model:

Weakness: accused of neglecting /denying experiences of impairment i.e pain/discomfort

Strength: Understanding disability in relation to oppression, campaigning activities have paved the way for anti-discrimination legislation, rights and social change – which ones are relevant here?

What other strengths and weaknesses can you identify?

What are the main differences between the Medical and Social models of disability? Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each model in understanding disability.

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