What impact does Facial Recognition Technology has on citizens and how does it impact globally?

What impact does Facial Recognition Technology has on citizens and how does it impact globally?.

Can you help me understand this English question?

Explain the both side of the question: god and bad side, more of the bad side

Global Impact and Stakes

  • Why does this pose a threat on multiple different levels?
  • Who is using this?
  • what is it going to affect and what is not going to be affected/ scale/size/ what is not done
  • Any statics to help prove the point

NO Plagiarism!!!

Any sources can be used but with citations. MLA Style; And only reaible sources.

One necessary source to use is provided; (maybe just 1 or 2 citation, not necessary to use for the whole paper.)

Length of the paper:1 to 1.5. the citation don’t count in the length

What impact does Facial Recognition Technology has on citizens and how does it impact globally?

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