What is a Medical and Legal Investigator Duties?

What is a Medical and Legal Investigator Duties?.

I don’t know how to handle this Health & Medical question and need guidance.

Review the scene photos (group A or group B, as assigned). You are the MDI that responded to this scene and took these photographs. In a Word document, complete the following FROM THE MDI PERSPECTIVE:

  1. Write a descriptive narrative of the decedent and the scene. This paragraph should paint the picture for someone that was not on scene and has not seen the photos.
  2. Identify 3 items of potential evidence, other than the body itself, and explain how each item may help with determining cause of death, manner of death, positive ID of the decedent, and/or locating the legal next-of-kin.
  3. Briefly describe what information or records you need to track down. State how the information or records will assist with determining cause of death, manner of death, positively identifying the decedent, and/or locating the legal next-of-kin. Briefly describe who or what agency or organization can provide the information or records.

You are not to solve the case! You should write 1-2 paragraphs per question (double-spaced, 1″ margins, Times New Roman 12 pt. font). Be sure to use correct terminology and pay attention to your writing skills (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.). Use Death investigation: A guide for the scene investigator as your guide. You will need to apply the information you have learned earlier in this class to complete this assignment. Make sure you review the grading rubric! Name your file LastName CaseStudy and upload it to the appropriate assignment folder. Please note that you MAY NOT download or share the photographs.

What is a Medical and Legal Investigator Duties?

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