Which illicit drug do you think is the greatest threat to the United States?

Which illicit drug do you think is the greatest threat to the United States?.

I’m stuck on a Political Science question and need an explanation.

The week one forum addresses the illicit drugs that are available in the United States. It is designed to help you understand some of the issues that make a drug a threat. Respond to following question:

Which illicit drug do you think is the greatest threat to the United States?

Initial post 850 words

“2018 National Drug Threat Assessment (NDTA).” 2018. DEA. October. https://www.dea.gov/documents/2018/10/02/2018-national-drug-threat-assessment-ndta.

“Drugs of Abuse (2017 Edition) – DEA.” 2017. https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2018-06/drug_of_abuse.pdf.

Which illicit drug do you think is the greatest threat to the United States?

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