Write a detailed reflection on the importance of business communication and writing

Write a detailed reflection on the importance of business communication and writing.

I’m studying for my Business class and need an explanation.

The final assignment is a reflection of the importance of business communication and writing. Students will research outside resources on the importance of business communication and writing and use data collected from the networking/interview assignment. Students must use in-text citations and attach works cited page. Follow MLA guidelines:


Write a detailed reflection on the importance of business communication and writing. Through research, determine and provide evidence on the importance of business communication and writing. Explain how you plan to apply this information during the rest of your academic career or full-time position. Cite your sources using MLA guidelines. This assignment must follow the writing guidelines in the syllabus. No more than three pages (does not include works cited page). Must be clear and concise.


Write a detailed reflection on the importance of business communication and writing

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