Write an essay after listening to the powerpoint presentation and reading the book..
I need support with this History question so I can learn better.
Your responses need:
- Please indicate which question you are answering.
- This essay must be 6-8 paragraphs (a paragraph is 3-5 complete sentences, not fragments, not bullet points). 1 paragraph of introduction, 4-6 paragraphs for the body, 1 paragraph of conclusion.
- Each essay must include a thesis statement. You need to make an actual argument that needs to be supported with facts.
- Each essay needs to rely on evidence found in classroom lectures, our textbook, and the OER textbook. YOU MAY NOT use outside sources, like the internet.
- You must use a primary and secondary source. Lectures do not count.
- You must cite where you got each piece of evidence [For Example: “Hitler annexed Austria in 1938” (Created Equal) or “African Americans were often forced to take bogus literacy tests before they were outlawed in 1965 (“Voting Literacy Test 1965” in Created Equal) or “The Union Stockyards are an example of Gilded Age industrialism” (Gilded Age Lecture)](I have attached an example essay that might help you understand).
- Put a works cited page.
- Use MLA citation
Follow the question prompts carefully. If a question asks you to give four specific examples, give four examples. If the question asks you to discuss the cause and effects, please discuss both.
The number one thing that students do wrong in these essays is over-generalize. Be very clear and very explicit. Do not tell me, for example, that the lives of women changed in the 20th century because “they got more freedoms.” That will not receive a passing grade. Instead, you should talk about things like the 19th amendment or the specific things feminism did for women.
Question: Explain the lasting effects of the Progressive Era. What reforms were successful? How did they shape US History going further? Be specific in your response using evidence from your textbook, primary source readings, lectures, videos to support your argument. (Please note: you must list 4 reforms and their modern implications)
Do not forget these in the essay. However, do not depend only on these points.
- Define the Progressive Era and who the “Progressives” were
- Describe and classify the characteristics of the Progressives
- Identify a few key reforms
- Explain the importance of women as Progressives
Powerpoint presentation: Shared in google drive. (link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jO8lWYRY81h5KlqS…)
Book: its in redshelf.com (username: sudipkoiralak20@gmail.com, password: Supshzz60), Page no. 157-160, Use document 1 and 3 from page pages 160-161, 164-165.
You need to use this powerpoint presentation and book as your only source and cite it accordingly as in the sample essay file named as sample essay.docx
Write an essay after listening to the powerpoint presentation and reading the book.