Write an essay based on Farewell to Arms by Hemingway

Write an essay based on Farewell to Arms by Hemingway.

I’m stuck on a Literature question and need an explanation.

Write an essay in which you analyze the theme of war in A Farewell to Arms. The essay should contain an introduction, body, and conclusion, be 1-2 pages in length, typed, and use MLA format. Please save your essay as a Word document and submit as an attachment to be graded.

• Analysis is not summary. Focus on themes in the story. Analysis is the practice of looking closely at small parts to see how they affect the whole.

• Literary analysis focuses on how plot, character, setting, and many other techniques are used by the author to create meaning.
• Analyze the impact of the author’s choices, discussing how these decisions affect the story’s meaning.
• Organize your ideas so that each new idea builds on the one it follows to create a unified whole.

Write an essay based on Farewell to Arms by Hemingway

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