Write an essay with a minimum of 1500 words where you discuss the following:

Write an essay with a minimum of 1500 words where you discuss the following:.

I need an explanation for this Sociology question to help me study.

  • How do the biographies of Mariah Carey, Drake and Jazz Jennings show that we experience ourselves in a social context where we have to deal with the prejudices of society? Why did Drake’s childhood contain less racism than Mariah Carey’s? How does Jazz feel about the word ‘disorder’ and how does this reflect her lifelong struggle to be able to be free from how society defines her? Do you think, twenty years from now, future transgender children will experience less prejudice than Jazz has done in the same way that Drake experienced less prejudice than Mariah Carey. If so, why?
  • How do the concepts in Hawaii’s traditional culture enable Ho’onani Kamai and Kumu Hina to build a different understanding of their gender identities than many transgendered individuals in the USA are able to have? How does this show that a person’s identity is made possible by the history of their society?
  • Utilize at least two quotes from each source and paraphrase them to show understanding. You will be graded in part on how well you select and explain the most relevant quotes.

Write an essay with a minimum of 1500 words where you discuss the following:

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