Writing #3: Compare/Contrast & Who Are You (Part II)?

Writing #3: Compare/Contrast & Who Are You (Part II)?.

I need help with a Psychology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

your submission should be at least four pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, and have 1” margins. There is no maximum page limit—write as much as you would like.

Due: Tuesday, 11/26. Upload your submission as a PDF or Word document via Canvas.

Writing prompt: Select at least two theories/approaches to understanding personality and use those two approaches to describe your personality. This is similar to your first writing assignment; however, now you have the benefit of everything you have learned this semester. Be sure that you (1) thoroughly describe your personality through (at least) two distinct approaches, (2) critically compare/contrast the two (or more) approaches as applied to your own personality, and (3) evaluate whether your personality is adequately captured by each approach.

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeContentAt least two theories are accurately and thoroughly applied to student’s own personality. The theories are critically compared to one another and each is evaluated as to whether the student’s personality is adequately captured. The writing demonstrates the student’s knowledge and understanding of at least two major perspectives of personality theory and ability to apply those perspectives to oneself.

10.0 Pts

Meets or exceeds expectations

8.0 Pts

Meets most expectations

0.0 Pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeProofread, professional, and in own wordsThe paper is professional and clearly proofread (e.g., relatively free of grammatical errors, typos) and is written in the student’s own words.

5.0 Pts

Meets or exceeds expectations

4.0 Pts

Meets most expectations

0.0 Pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeRequirements followedAssignment requirements are followed, including answering all required parts and following the proper format and page length described in the instructions.

5.0 Pts

Meets or exceeds expectations

4.0 Pts

Meets most expectations

0.0 Pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Total points: 20.0

Writing #3: Compare/Contrast & Who Are You (Part II)?

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